Courage House: Northern Nevada
Courage Worldwide is working to open
Courage House: Northern Nevada
IN 2025.
Courage Worldwide spent several years ascertaining which states in the western U.S. had favorable laws with regard to providing residential services to minors who had been trafficked for sex and had a need for our already established, successful program. Many factors led us to opening offices in Nevada, the first being a severe lack of homes and resources for children who have been recovered from trafficking.
Nevada, unfortunately, has been given a grade of "C" by independent watchdog groups, rating Nevada 41st out of 50 states in dealing with the problem of child sexual exploitation. Las Vegas and Clark County as a whole are known trafficking destinations, per those same independent groups, who also state Reno is a frequent trafficking stop due to its location on the Highway 80 corridor.
Fortunately, county and state leaders in the Nevada Health & Human Services Departments, as well as Child Welfare are aware of the severe lack of housing and services for these vulnerable children and are working with Courage Worldwide to obtain a license in order to establish a Courage House in the Reno area.
Connecting with financial partners, acquiring the proper licensing, and seeking out the best possible location are all steps being actively worked on tirelessly by our team of individuals passionate about expanding our program opportunities to Northern Nevada.
Check out our Nevada Chapter Board to meet some of these passionate individuals.
Proposed Architect Rendering for
Courage House Northern Nevada

Courage House: NorCal
Courage House NorCal operated from 2010-2020, serving minors and over-18 survivors throughout the decade. 41 minors were served from 2010-2017. State policy change and regulatory issues transitioned the minor home to an over-18 home in 2017 where 15 over-18 survivors were served until the home closed in 2020 due to residents transitioning out of the program and the COVID pandemic occurring. These previous residents continue to receive resources and services from Courage Worldwide as they progress in their healing journeys.