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We Exceeded Our Goal!


Thanks to you, we exceeded our Giving Tuesday and End of Year Campaign goals!

In this new year, we are able to continue to see more and more victims of sex trafficking experience hope and healing.

With your faithful giving, we have distributed funds across three of our key areas of programming: education, counseling and therapeutic activities, and comprehensive basic needs and medical care.

We welcomed home a young, pregnant girl who had been trafficked across borders under the guise of education. Her family’s well-intentioned plans for better schooling turned dark as she was sexually exploited and trapped as a domestic servant in a foreign country. She is now safe and we are working to reunite her with her family.

Ten Courage House graduates officially began this year’s Courage Leadership Academy! Before these young women begin their chosen higher education course (college, university, or vocational training), they participate in our transitional program of vocational training, life skills, leadership development, and personal growth. We are so excited for the futures of each of these young women!

This year already, we welcomed several girls home to Courage House, alongside many survivors who are forging their unique pathways forward. We are providing individualized education for each girl and all of their children. We are providing trauma-informed individual and group counseling, creating a Unique Life Plan for each of our residents based on their strengths, hopes, and dreams.

Thank you for believing in these survivors, for walking with us in transforming lives. Your giving continues allowing us to work with these courageous young girls and women. The needs of our program continue–would you partner with us in supporting these survivors, through a monthly or one-time gift?


“This walking time is used to pray, and seek the Lord, for ministry, and for all the girls out there who have yet to come. We will be praying for your new facilities as well as those precious souls who are currently victims that we don’t know about. ”The young women at Courage House Too in Tanzania will also be joining this walk!

We could not be more grateful for our supporters—who are doing what they love, using their strengths and passions, to advocate for child survivors of sex trafficking. This is how we change the world one individual at a time.


We are still selling Courage Coffee! Support child survivors of trafficking and drink some of the best coffee in the world!

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