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Meet the Next Generation


Meet the Next Generation

These children are safe from violence and harm.

These children are loved, cared for, and don’t ever have to worry when their next meal will come.

These children receive an education.

Their mothers are learning how to be mothers. Their mothers are on a journey of healing and following their dreams.

Their mothers are the courageous girls at Courage House.

At Courage House, it is common for girls and young women to arrive pregnant or with a child (or two). Together, they have been surviving against all odds and overcoming obstacles. Courage House is often the first place they experience safety, love, and the opportunity to create a bright future. Right now, we are supporting almost fifty girls and twenty of their children at Courage House.

These children were conceived from violence and exploitation; maybe once unwanted, or at the very least unexpected. Now, their lives are redeemed. They, too, have a unique purpose for their lives that can be fulfilled. Their life trajectory has been completely redirected.

Generations are being changed every day.

Double the Miracle

Just a few weeks ago, we welcome home "M" and her twin babies, born prematurely. Since they arrived one month ago, their health has much improved at Courage House. "M" is healthy and her babies have reached a healthy weight and are getting stronger every day.

“I love to be at Courage. I love the environment and how the staff take care of me and my twins. We feel secure and loved. I am so grateful for everything.”

- M

At first, we did not have the capacity to receive the placement of precious “M” and her babies. We did not have a bed for this trio; we did not have the resources. Thanks to you, and a specific group of donors, we were able to furnish her space and support them with all of the resources they need to grow and thrive.

We couldn’t do it without you.

Our second dormitory is completed at Courage House. We need you to be able to welcome more girls and their children home, to usher them into safety, and to change generations. Will you join us?

Jenny Williamson

Founder and CEO, Courage Worldwide

P.S. The holidays are approaching! Stock up on Courage Coffee for all of your gifts. It is freshly roasted in Modesto, California at Clayton Tea & Coffee as you order. If you haven’t tasted our Hope Blend, it’s a must-try. Not only are you drinking some of the best coffee in the world, you directly support our programs here at Courage Worldwide! A perfect gift for you and your loved ones.


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