What are you paying attention to? Listen to that still, small voice inside of you and don’t talk yourself out of it. Follow your heart and have the courage to be you.
Host Jeremy C. Park talks with Jenny Williamson, author of three books and Founder and CEO of Courage Worldwide, who shares the story of what led her to launch the international nonprofit that builds homes for children rescued out of sex trafficking. During the interview, Jenny talks about the power of saying “yes” to a calling and finding your purpose, shares words of encouragement for where to start on your own journey, and highlights the efforts and impact of Courage Worldwide. She also discusses her books, including “Do You Have the Courage to be You?” and “Uniquely You” and talks about some of the important themes and takeaways. Throughout the interview, Jenny shares many ways you can get involved not only in their efforts with Courage Worldwide, but in fighting human trafficking, supporting youth, and making a difference in your local community.
Click the video to watch this interview and be encouraged today, wherever you are!
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Thank you to each and every one of you who supports us financially, through prayer, or in any other way. We couldn’t do this without YOU!
Jenny Williamson
Founder/CEO, Courage Worldwide