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A Story of Redemption


Just about three years ago, God brought Hannah to Courage House as a young 15-year-old. She had been trafficked and was very broken, especially as she learned the same day she came to Courage House that her mother was HIV+. Her mother told her, “My daughter, my chance is over, but this is your opportunity for a new life.”

Hannah had much to overcome as she spoke very little English and she was behind in school - something very common with our girls. Several times she wanted to give up, but our staff encouraged her and she persevered and graduated last spring from our C2BU High School as the top student.

After graduation I found her crying and I asked her why she was so sad. She replied, “I realized I almost gave up and would have missed this day...”

Tears of joy and gratitude flowed down her cheeks (and mine!) as we hugged and I told her how proud we were of her for not quitting. Later she wrote us a letter thanking us and Courage for all she has learned.

She said, “I promise to myself and also to you that I will be the top student in my college and you will see when you come to my graduation. I will remind you of this on that day.”

We know that Hannah will succeed as she continues to persevere in college. God is on her side, and so are we! Hannah shared this poem with us that inspires her and it touched our hearts: 

We know there are many more girls like Hannah, needing a new chance in life, a chance to change her story.

Would you consider giving a year-end gift and/or becoming a monthly partner so we can continue to say yes to more young girls? Help us reach our end of the year goal of $50,000!

God bless you and have a Happy New Year!

Stephanie Midthun

P.P.S. Download our latest 5 Year Impact Report here: CWW Impact Report

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